Advice and answers from the Scalenut Team

Meenakshi Majumder
Written by Meenakshi Majumder

WordPress x Scalenut: How to publish an article on WordPress from Scalenut?

Scalenut’s WordPress Publisher integration allows users to integrate their WordPress accounts into their Scalenut Dashboard seamlessly. Here's how.

With Scalenut's WordPress Publisher integration, we've combined two powerful platforms to revolutionize how you manage your content.

Now, you can seamlessly integrate your WordPress account into the Scalenut Dashboard and experience the ultimate efficiency. 

How to integrate your WordPress account on Scalenut via WordPress Publisher?


Click on your profile icon located at the top-right corner of your Dashboard screen to access the dropdown menu. Or, find it in the left navigation panel.


On the redirected screen, choose the ‘WordPress Publisher’ option from the list of integrations available.


Click on the ‘Connect' button in blue on the right side of your screen. 


A pop-up will open, asking for the account details of your WordPress account. 


Enter the WordPress Site Address, Username, and the unique 24-character password. Then, click on ‘Connect’ to link your WordPress account with Scalenut.


Voila! You have successfully integrated your WordPress Account with Scalenut.

How to Publish a Scalenut Report or Export it as a Draft on WordPress?

Publishing your meticulously prepared Scalenut reports on WordPress is a breeze with our one-click publishing feature. Follow these simple steps to seamlessly share your reports:


Navigate to your Scalenut Dashboard and click on the "Article Writer" option.


Next, open the SEO Article that you wish to publish by clicking on the ‘Status’ of the article.

In this case, click on ‘Editing in Progress’.


Once the editor AI opens, navigate to the ‘Apps’ option and select ‘WordPress Publisher’.


This will open the WordPress Publisher pane on the right side of your screen. Fill in the Author name if you’d want to.


Then, scroll down to complete the remaining details, such as the featured image, categories, and tags. If you want to allow comments on the post, make sure to check the "Discussion" option.


If you wish to save the post as a draft on your WordPress account, click on the "Export as Draft" button. Alternatively, if you're ready for the schedule, click on the "Schedule" button.


If you choose to publish, a final export settings page will appear to ensure everything is set according to your preferences.  Click the "Schedule" button to confirm and make your report live on your website.


On successful scheduling, you will be able to ‘View Post’ by simply clicking on the button. The scheduling time will also be visible on the screen.

Scalenut will automatically export any media associated with the SEO Doc to your WordPress Library. Additionally, seamless support is provided for YouTube-embedded iframes.

Steps to Create a New Application Password on WordPress

  1. You can get the login details on their WordPress Admin panel. For this, head to the ‘Profile’ option under the ‘Users’ option in the left pane. 

  1. Scroll down to find the ‘Application Password’ option. Enter a name in the ‘New Application Password Name’ field, and tap on the ‘Add New Application Password’ button. 

  1. WordPress will display a unique 24-character password, which can be used for integration with Scalenut. 


1.Can I create a custom URL for my article?

Yes, you can create a custom URL slug for your article. However, this feature is incompatible with Plain and Numeric permalink settings, as these generate permalinks without any text-based slug.

2.Which user types in WordPress can connect the integration?

If you are a Subscriber user in WordPress, you won't be able to connect to the app or export articles. On the other hand, Contributor users can connect to the app and export articles as drafts, but they cannot publish or schedule them. 
